Andrew and I played an awesome 600 point game, and for the first time tried the "Heirloom of Ages Past" mission. RIVENDELL Elrond with heavy armor on horse 4x High Elf Warriors with Shield and Spear 3x High Elf Warriors with Shield 1x High Elf Warrior with Banner and Shield Cirdan 4x High Elf Warrior with Elf Bow and Spear 2x High Elf Warrior with Shield Erestor 3x High Elf Warrior with Shield 3x High Elf Warrior with Spear MORDOR The Witch-King of Angmar with Armored Horse, Crown of Morgul, 3 Might, 5 Will, 3 Fate 6x Morannon Orcs with Shield 6x Morannon Orcs with Spear 1x Morannon Orc with Shield and Banner 2x Orc Warriors with Shield Shagrat, Captain of Cirith Ungol with Shield of Cirith Ungol and Heavy Armour 6x Morannon Orcs with Shield and Spear 1x Mordor Troll 2x Morannon Orc with Shield 3x Orc Warrior with Shield