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Kingdom of Durak Deep- Kickstarter Sample House

Whoa! Two posts in one day? This one is time-sensitive, so I figured I'd post it ASAP. At time of publishing, there's less than three days left on the Kingdom of Durak Deep kickstarter by Conquest Creations. I'm a really big fan of these and went all in on this. He's post a sample STL, so I decided to print two to test my paint scheme and get a head start on a new Dwarf board.

I did these up dead simple. Spray grey, white drybrush. Then I did a brown under coat where the gold would go, followed by just regular ol' Vallejo gold. Less than an evening of work for these two buildings!

I put significantly less effort to the playable interior, but I am glad it's an option. Pretty cool to use the "fighting in doorways" rules.

Check out the Kickstarter ASAP if you're interested! 


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