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The Three (D Printed) Hunters!

While I own no less than 3 versions of each of the three hunters, the printable options from The Printing Goes Ever On caught my eye. While they don't quite resemble the characters perfectly from the movie, something about them feels more representative of how I initially imagined them in the books; while not straying TOO far from the heroes as seen on the big screen. So, to add to my continual pile of shame opportunity, I printed them up and had a go! 

It didn't hurt that I really dislike the Aragorn I've painted previously, as seen in any of our battle reports featuring the Grey Company. These were pretty straightforward to both print and paint and overall I am happy with the outcome.

The scale is pretty close- overall they stand just a hair taller than their plastic counterparts, but it's not really noticeable unless you're looking for it.

As usual I am awful at photographing miniatures. They definitely don't have that reflective sheen in person and there's a bit more depth to the greens...

Very happy with how they look on the table!

I suppose it's time to finish the Fellowship, since I've already done up Boromir of Gondor. Just 5 more models (or, 2.5 more models if you count the halflings by surface area!).


  1. This is a hoot! I am an annual subscriber to TPGEO and have those as well. Have not printed them yet, but now probably will! I just backed their Ivory City Kickstarter and am hoping for good things from it as I love their other buildings.

  2. I also love their other buildings! I am on the fence for the Ivory City. While it looks so super cool, I'm just not sure it'll see enough table time to justify it for me... Still hemming and hawing!


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